Junior Optimist International

Junior Optimist International was officially formed in 1988. It is the umbrella organization which links the local Junior Optimist International Clubs and Members to others throughout the world.

Participation in Junior Optimist International gives young people the opportunity to serve their communities. Students who are involved in Junior Optimist Clubs learn about and practice good citizenship, teamwork, communication and money management. They feel good about themselves and have high self-esteem. Membership in Junior Optimist Clubs helps to develop friendships with others who share the same interests. There are opportunities for personal growth and leadership positions at Club, District, and International levels. Junior Optimist exposes Members to Optimism as a philosophy of life, provides Members with an improved sense of kindness, increased awareness for those in need, and a better sense of coping with cultural diversity. It also provides members the opportunity to complete community service hours required for graduation.

For more information, check out their website here

Sponsoring the Making a Difference JOI Club since 2007

“Junior Optimist International Benefits the Community” Junior Optimist Clubs create an increased number of young volunteers within the community –volunteers who will help to improve the quality of life. They can provide an interesting forum in which to address youth related issues. Junior Optimist International serves as an excellent training ground for future community leaders.

Leadership Development: Youth Leaders serve at the club, district and international levels.

“Community Service” The real purpose of Junior Optimist International Clubs is Community Service. Each Club is free to choose service projects, which fit the needs of the community.

Highlighting Our JOI Clubs in Action:

House the Homeless Week - Hope United Methodist Church

Martin Luther King Jr., Task Force - Peace Walk and Holiday Celebration participants and youth volunteers

Made 100 Thinking of You Greeting Cards for the residents at Lasher Hills Care Center

Volunteering at World Medical Relief - Southfield

Sponsoring voter registration initiatives through a Rock the Vote campaign

Supporting the City of Lathrup Village’s Winter Fest and Breakfast With the Bunny

Raising funds for the Souper Bowl of Caring a worldwide youth-led hunger relief program for Lighthouse/South Oakland Shelter

Sponsoring a Pink Out challenge during Breast Cancer Awareness month.  

Raising funds to purchase books for Children’s Hospitals to encourage a “JOI of Reading“

JOI of Reading - Novi Public Library

The Making A Difference JOI Club has always been advocates for reading literacy programs including The JOI of Reading. The club recently led an initiative to support the Michigan first credit Union’s book drive by donating 56 books for the Novi Public Library.

Gatherings & Events

Meeting Every 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., 4th Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., & 3rd Tuesday once a Quarter at 6:30 p.m.

2nd Tuesday - Mars Corporate Center Blvd., 2500 Telegraph Rd., Southfield, MI 48033

4th Tuesday - Virtually via Zoom

3rd Tuesday - Once a quarter at a in person location

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