2024-2025 OFFICERS
Dianne Browne
Cherryl Thames
Diana Peagler
Club Foundation Representative
Molly Eklund-Easley
William Carey
Xandria Carter-Hodges
Shay Constantine
Clara Dawkins
Doris Haskins
Jill Holloway
Anthony Moffett
In collaborative partnership with the City of Southfield the Optimist Club co-sponsored the Southfield Reads Virtual Celebrity Reads program which was launched on May 22, 2020 on the city's cable station. Cable 15 produced 3 shows every Friday from 11:00am - 12:pm from May 22 - August 31, 2020.
During this period 800+ children and families tuned in the watch and hear stories being read by members of our Optimist family, teachers, elected officials, librarians, book authors, the Fire Department's Chief, city employees and more.
And though Southfield Reads was an amazing public relations opportunity for our club and Optimist International, the true value was our ability to continue Brining Out the Best in Youth, Our Communities, and Ourselves.
© 2024 Optimist International Club of Southfield and Lathrup Village, Inc.